Thursday, April 16, 2009

Continue on!

Yesterday I started the Optical Illusion dishcloth for the Ravlery Dishcloth KAL this week. This is going to be a challenge -- I can tell.

First, I prefer using a size 8 bamboo needle. Could not find one. Anywhere. Settled for a size 7 and continued on....

Second, printer and PC not speaking to each other. I don't know if it was something one of them said or did. Had to copy instructions in longhand. Instructions did not make sense. Should I log on the check them and miss Jay Leno or (yep) contiune on....

Third, what's one stitch more? It's a dishcloth. I should have 25, but in reality, there are 26.
This is a dishcloth -- continue on...

Sometimes you just can't stop - you just continue on. Sometimes continuing on may be silly, but it's better than stopping and staring into space.

This is life.... continue on!

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