Friday, April 17, 2009

More UFOs than the law allows

I did it! I conquered all the yarn in the lower closet -- before spring really sets in and I go outside to garden and knit. Weaving yarn - found and in a bag. Felted bags - seven in various states of construction and lots of feltable yarn. Dishcloth cotton - I think I can open a store.

In the UFO category, we have an Einstein coat, two pairs of socks, a crocheted shawl, and a sweater. The Einstein has been a three year project....

The size 8 needle I couldn't find yesterday -- found it. Crochet hooks -- I must love size H. This doesn't mean that I am not going to stockpile circs in 8, 10, and 10 1/2. For each JoAnn's coupon, one set will come home. That way I will have a supply of them, placed and stored in a safe place, that will vanish into the black hole of the house....

The Optical Illusion dishcloth is still a WIP (work in progress) and progress is slow. Onward!

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