Thursday, July 5, 2012

Returning to the madness

Hi! It's hot around here, but so much has been done in my flower beds in the last week! Now, the driveway is the best on my block, the versa lock wall is lovely, and I am no longer the disgrace of the neighborhood. However, the flower beds.... Gone is the impossible to maintain front bank - replaced with mulch over landscape cloth. Where the five pines once stood, there is a large bed with three weeping cherry trees. The vast jungle bed in the back of my land has been cleared out and mulched, too. Blank canvas for gardening! As soon as I get my camera in order, I think pictures should follow.

On the cat vs. dog front, Oreo and Lily still amaze me. I never know when they are playing or fighting. As long as both are in one piece, everything is okay. Peanut just ignores them unless there is food involved.

Craftwise, I am still jumping around from knitting to embroidery to quilting to spinning to watercolor. Art journaling looks so neat, but I am not good at that yet.

As I said, pics will come.... of gardens, ball jointed dolls, pets, and such.

Keep the faith, baby!

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